Internet Advertising/Cell Phone Marketing
There are two basic tasks involed in the art of internet advertising, which are are ad creation and ad dissemination. You have to plan how to achieve dissemination. Also, planning helps you determine which media to use–be it T.V. programs, newspapers, buletin board posters, ppc ads on the Web, or on Facebook. It also tells you when, where, and which media to use in order to reach your desired audience. Simply put, planning refers to the process of selecting time and space to disseminate ad messages in order to accomplish marketing objectives. When advertisers run commercials during the Super Bowl game at more than .5 million per thirty-second spot, for example, planing is involved in the
negotiation and placement.
How is a plan developed? The planning process takes a four-steps which consists of 1) setting your objectives using your marketing and advertising strategy, 2) developing a strategy for implementing a specific media, 3) designing tactics for realizing that strategy, and 4) proposing procedures for finding out how successful is the plan.
The Number one purpose of a plan is to select the audience you want to reach. It is essential to understand how the target audience is defined in the internet marketing objectives.A common marketing objective is to increase sales by a specific amount. But this does not specify a target audience, which is why you need to determine your target audience.
The target audience is often defined in terms of demographics, but, Some advertisers believe that demographic definitions of an audience are too ambiguous, because individuals that fit such definitions are usually quite different in terms of their desired brands and purchase behavior.
Target audiences can more than likely be more precisely defined by the ways they consume the products. Product usage includes both brand and category usage.You will also want to determine the size of a target audience, how many people or households fit the definition of your audience. Knowing the actual size helps advertisers to estimate the potential buying power of the target audience.
Now, you must make three crucial decisions. Where, When, and what media to use. Also, you have to make these decisions in the face of budget constraints. In other words, how do you get the best “bang for your buck”?
The answer is obiously cell phone marketing, because cell Phones are hip, hot and everywhere on the planet. Just imagine, 4 Billion people who use their cell phones countless times per day. And all this is happening world wide, not just locally. This makes your customer base so huge it is unable to be counted,and the growth isn’t going to stop any time soon. The market just keeps getting more enormouse as time marches on. You can reach more people via their cell phone than any other media on the planet.
Ther are more people with a cell phone than a television, computer, internet or any other media you can think of! Now, what if there was a way to make money within this huge pool of potential customers? Well, guess what, there is a way. Advertise on the cell phone network the same way as on the internet.
The difference with this method, is that you are putting your ads in front of people and they don’t even have to search for them. And they only see the ads if they are already searching for the item that you are selling, imagine that!
There are a number of services that allow you to send messages to people through their cell phones, and These services have never been advertised by any of the top “Gurus” or Internet coaches.They are also 100% legit. The last thing you want to do is to use a service that’s involved in illegal practices.
The best thing about cell phone marketing is that the cell phone market is virtually un-tapped. Having this method is like being the first person to start using ppc ads way back when. Can you imagine how much money that person made?
This is the same situation, it’s a brand new market for advertisers, and with 4.3 Billion people using cell phones and tens of thousands more joining every day there is not, nor will there ever be any danger of over-saturation.
Important for global marketers, mobile handsets are the dominant way people access the Web in many emerging markets, as it is far cheaper, says John Gauntt, senior analyst at digital ad tracker eMarketer. With a computer, “The cost of entry to get Internet access is about ,200 for the PC and broadband; a mobile is less than half the cost.”
”The pace for mobile won’t be set in the U.S.,” says Michael Baker, vice president and head of Nokia Interactive Advertising. “It’s a global medium that’s different from all other channels. It’s cost effective and usually the centerpiece of a strategy. (That’s) very different from what’s going on in the U.S., which is mini-banner ads.”
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